Sunday, May 10, 2009

Vampires and Mothers

May all the mothers and those who love them have a wonderful Mother's Day. Enjoy your time together, try to enjoy the time apart, let Mom read a book, have some chocolate, and take a bubble bath, if that's her thing. If she'd prefer a trip to the movies and a beer, by all means, make it happen.

Of course, if she'd rather curl up with some old vampire movies, I recommend the Frank Langella version of "Dracula". It's a standard for me and my mother -- possibly the first movie we saw together that we loved for the same reason (uh, that would be Frank Langella, the Dracula as far as we're concerned).

Whatever you do today, with or without your mother, stop and remember something that could only have happened between you and your mom. Then catch Langella as the Prince of Darkness. (You'll thank me later.)

Jemma Chase

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Anonymous WKEverhart said...

You're right about Frank. He was a pretty cool Drac, on Broadway and in the movie. Me? I liked Michael Nouri in a long-ago summer replacement series. Thinking of it still makes me swoon!:D

May 14, 2009 at 8:50 PM  

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